Sudbourne governors reject Academy proposal

The governing body at Sudbourne primary school last night rejected a proposal to convert the school to an Academy.

The decision comes after 82% of respondents in the consultation with parents and teachers said they would not support the school changing its status.

Parent governor Peter Blake said: “It was a very straightforward decision. The response from the consultation process was overwhelmingly that Sudbourne should remain a community school.

“The consultation was very thoroguh and as well-informed as we could make it. Some of the written responses were over several pages and lots of people had really engaged in the issues at stake. It was one of my biggest fears that we would just drift into the decision so I’m very pleased that there has been so much engagement. We know we have a very well-informed and passionate parent body.”

The governing body has decided not to re-visit the proposal in the next two years at least. “It might be things will change with national government policy so we can’t rule it out completely for the future, but certainly we’re not going to be thinking about it in the short term”, said Peter Blake.